
Liquid Biological Soil Amendment

SoilCure® is an eco-friendly liquid microbial amendment manufactured by Microbes that supports soil and plant health. SoilCure® provides a number of benefits:

    • Improves soil biodiversity and plant health
    • Increases crop yield
    • Reduces the use of fertilizers
    • Enables water conservation

Product Description

SoilCure is a liquid microbial amendment containing soil-enhancing Bacillus bacteria. SoilCure acts on the plant rhizosphere to create a beneficial environment for meristem root growth. The increased soil biodiversity encouraged by SoilCure allows for enhanced organic mineralization, plant nutrient uptake and photosynthesis.

Microbes BioSciences manufactures all of its biological in its in-house, state-of-the art bioreactor to extremely high concentrations.

How does SoilCure® support soil health and plant growth?

  • Improves soil through greater biodiversity
  • Increases crop yield and quality
  • Exploits the synergistic effects of combining plant growth-promoting beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi
  • Accelerates soil mineralization for greater nutrient and N-P-K uptake
  • Solubilizes plant nutrients in organic form, increasing plant availability and uptake
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  • Enables uptake of nutrients from outside the plant rhizosphere
  • Suitable for organic food production
  • Environmentally sound: non-toxic and no harmful runoff

SoilCure can be blended with liquid fertilizers and amendments and impregnated onto dry fertilizers.

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MicrobesBio’s SoilCure is manufactured with state-of-the art bio-reactors,
such as the New Brunswick 150L, for cultivating cell cultures.


SoilCure Technical Sheet (.pdf)
SoilCure Technical Sheet (.pdf)
SoilCure for Blueberries 
SoilCure for Blueberries TechSheet